City Integration were engaged by a Hedge Fund based in Dubai to run a full Front-to-Back RFP covering the Target Operating Model across their Investment, Middle Office and Operational processes

With this engagement there was a specific local requirement from the client for access to prohibited markets such as Saudi Arabia. Given this, and in addition to system requirements, a prime broker search was conducted as part of the RFP process

Our consultants worked with the client to capture and document detailed requirements as input to the RFP document. We helped select a longlist, managed the process and refining participants down to a shortlist. The shortlisted firms were asked to present more detailed proposals, following which we collated responses and presented them back to the client for review and scoring.

Following the successful conclusion of the RFP process we helped the client finalise a unique solution utilising a tri-party swap where the hedge fund paid a fee to receive economic rights from one counterpart and the ability to vote on events from another